Pole Buildings vs. Conventional Stick Framing vs. Steel Buildings


  1. I don’t mind how steel buildings require excavation because it means they are sturdier in the end. A ton of people might try and save as much money as possible. Go for it, but that means you will get a building made as cheap as possible too.

    1. Beehive Buildings

      As the say, different strokes for different folks! We agree that some building uses are better off with a steel building and other uses (a lot of uses) will be more than sufficiently met with a pole building, which is very durable and has a long life expectancy.
      While talking to a potential client, if we feel their needs won’t be met by a pole building, we will recommend a steel building. We’ve done it before, in fact.

      We encourage everyone to assess their needs, wants, and budget and then choose which one is best for them. In the end, all we want is for any client to get what they need at the most economical price!

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