
What You Need to Know About Wainscoting


  1. Bob

    what is the standard height of the wains coating on post frame buildings

    1. Beehive Buildings

      Hi, Bob!

      Our standard height for wainscot is 4′.


  2. spencer Michael terry

    What do you use to waterproof the top section of the “water Table’ where the wainscot meets the brick at the top (four foot mark). The corrugated metal vertical siding makes it tough to find something to fill the gaps! It appears you have some sort of metal flashing laid on top? is this pre cut and then caulked around the holes?

    1. Beehive Buildings

      Hi Spencer,

      We use a piece of metal called “Z Trim” that goes underneath the wall metal on top and over the wainscot metal. This prevents water from entering.

      Let me know if you have any other questions!

      Thank you,

  3. Anuj

    I have a double brick house, single level. Can I add 2nd storey using the material you used?

    My single level home is roughly 175 m2 building area. If I want to get a quote (even an approx ballpark figure), would you help?

    1. Beehive Buildings


      Unfortunately, that is not something we can help you with. Good luck in your search for a contractor!


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